Sunday, November 1, 2009

The blog is finaly on

...but still under construction

Finaly i manage to create one. But currently i'm not always around the internet. So first, welcome to my blog, or on my word: "Useless idea zone".

Under deady's idea, I might make some comic panels with figures that i have. But i dunno if you guys like it, so i make a half-assed one as an attempt. just click at the pic for full view. So enjoy your stay, bookmark, and come again etc.

Owh... i need to change the background but somehow can't find the background http code for this. so i might change them completely if neccesary


  1. finally u got one blog for yourself buddy

    um looks like I'm the first one to drop a comment here but anyway thanx for adding my link

    now I feel like to reactivate my blog (rightomatic of course) and link back to u in return

    well I regretted using such complex template for my blog that some of the codes are broken (and that's one of the main reasons why I suddenly stop blogging LOL). I guess I better revert to some simpler template instead

  2. Ah, welcome sir to blogging.

    Nothing much to say for now, keep the contents up and you'll be running in no time.

    Just a little correction though, Techranger's Hideout is for all Techrangers, so it's not personally mine.
